Monday, April 13, 2009


::sigh:: Wedding colors. So many colors, just one wedding. Although I must say with all the AMAZINGLY creative ideas out there I'd like to have at least twenty more weddings. To the same guy of course. ;)

When Joshua proposed I thought I had it all planned out. I mean, I'd been "planning" this wedding for ten years. Ya' know, just getting all my ducks in a row so when Mr. Right hopped on to the scene I would be ready. And don't try and tell me you didn't do the same thing. Yup, that's right. Admit it. You've been closet planning for years I'm sure. ;) Black + Red was definitely what I had envisioned. Nobody was doing it and I loved it....until I told him that. Now, I am not a bridezilla. At least not yet anyway. {Check back with me a week before the big day and we'll see if I'm singin' a different tune}. I wanted this to be a day that we both enjoyed. I mean, contrary to popular belief, this is not just the bride's day. ::gasp!:: Shocker, I know, right? Any-hoo, him not being too hot to trot on the color combo was alright because I started seeing a bunch of Black + Red weddings crop up. And while they are especially beautiful...

it's not quite...."us". {There I go again with the quotations. blast!} And I like to be unique. Then I toyed around with the idea of Chocolate + Red.....and that wasn't quite right.

And then I saw a totally cute Aqua + Red wedding which I adore and had some great original details but...
{Image from Bride's Wedding Bio}

again. Not us. {sans quotations. yes!}

I must admit, I was beginning to feel defeated. I had to find that balance between being unique and fitting our personalities. {geez. Listen to me. This is crazy. They're wedding colors for heavens sake! You'd think I was trying to name our firstborn child. Overly analytical kickin' in fo' sho'!} I had purchased a Martha Stewart Wedding magazine {one of many} and was flipping through when it jumped out at me...

{All Images from Martha Stewart}

Cameo + Black. In loooooooooove! {singing} And imagine my surprise when the fiance gave the color combo the thumbs up! Definitely stoked. So now I'm taking the colors and running with them. We'll see what fun-ness I can come up with!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Let Them Eat Cake...

For those brides out there who haven't started the cake tasting process, these are my words of advice. DO NOT attempt to fit in more than 2 cake tastings in one day. PLEASE. Trust me on this. That's what we did today and I almost went into a sugar coma. And I love sugar.

Let's talk design. When I first started looking at cakes there were these AMAZING masterpieces. Just...huge and...beautiful...and...suuuuuper expensive. See, the only cakes that I had been previously exposed to were the one's you get from the grocery store on your 5th birthday. Barbie and Superman and whatnot. Fon-what? Fondant wasn't even in my vocabulary. When I discovered the cost that little sugar blanket adds to your per slice price is when I decided to go the buttercream route. And really, not only because it's less expensive than fondant, but {let's get real} fondant is gross. It's just a thick sugary mess that people end up peeling off anyway. If you have the budget to go the fondant route, by any means, take that route! You can get gorgeous designs using fondant that you can't using buttercream. But if you're wedding budget isn't a million bucks, buttercream isn't as second rate as it might seem.

After looking at scores of cakes, I thought I had settled on one I saw in an InStyle Wedding magazine {the white one minus the flower}.

Then when I went to print it out from the computer to take to the bakeries I found another cake I had saved a picture of.

And I decided that I liked the second much more than the first. It's a more interesting design for a large cake.

So. The design will be a slight variation on that pic with black swirls instead of brown and light pink roses. Flavor wise, we {Joshua & myself} haven't pinned anything down yet, but it will involve strawberries and chocolate.

And that is that for now. I'll let you know who we end up booking.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Let's Start At The Very Beginning...

of the wedding planning process that is. The story of "us" I will leave for another day. Which I'm sure you are soooo anxious to hear about....I love how I'm saying "you" like people are actually reading this right now. Haha! People don't even know about it yet! But they will. As soon as I finish this entry. To continue...

I began the whole pro-cess with the wedding dress search. And although I would love to post it here, I shan't. I'm doing the whole "groom doesn't see the bride" business so you will have to wait in suspense to find out what it is....unless you contact me. Then I will gladly send you the top secret info.

From the dress to the venue...which was a major ordeal, let. me. tell. you. Until my delectable wedding planner, Amanda Auer from In The Now, came to the rescue. Duh duh du duh! {think superhero flying through the air} I will spare you the rigamarole that was the venue search and just leave you with the pertinent information. We chose the El Adobe de Capistrano. O.M.G. Soooo excited. And they have the most delicioso mexicano comida. :)

The church {which was to originally be St. Mark's Presbyterian when the venue was orignally supposed to be at the Huntington Beach Hyatt} is the ever so lovely Lake Hills Community Church.

And for this post, that is that. I don't want to go into "blog overload" and I must leave something to write about tomorrow...and the next day...and the next day. But I will leave you with a couple lovely photos I snapped on the glorious iPhone today at Michael's {loved the color combos}. Because, who just wants to read a blog?

Correct As Usual King Friday...

Sooooooo, as my "domain" points out, I have been the overly analytical bride. Being the perfectionist that I am, I labored over my first post probably about a million times in my head, but never actually wrote anything down. On the computer I mean. I seriously...seriously... wrote out a blog entry the old fashioned way with a paper and pen but didn't type it. Can you believe that? I must admit, that is ri-donk-u-lous. I planned to begin blogging on my "6th month countdown"...which was March 26th. But here I am, at 12:31 a.m., saying "screw it". Just start the dang blog already!!! And here I am. My name is Rachel. I am crazy. Welcome to the madness that is my wedding planning. "Hang on to yer hats and glasses, cuz this here's the wildest ride in the wilderness!"

{p.s. I used waaaay too many "quotations" in this post. I'll work on that.}